Kathryn’s principles are as follows:

  1. To approach therapy in a systematic and holistic way that draws wisdom from ancient spiritual traditions and metaphysical laws of the universe.

  2. To seek truth and self-knowledge.

  3. To honour the spiritual nature within every client.

  4. To create a nurturing environment and promote healthy ways of relating, fostering safety, confidentiality, and respect between the client and practitioner, and to relate without blame, guilt, and shame.

  5. To provide optimal conditions for the client to fulfil their deepest desire for growth and spiritual connection through learning, exploration, integration, and reflection.

Inner Landscaping offers a one-to-one program of sessions or individual sessions for clients. From working with Kathryn, you can expect, at different times and to varying degrees:

  1. A supportive space to investigate and release deeply held beliefs and desires.

  2. A supportive space to be heard.

  3. Moments of stillness, relaxation, and opportunities for insight and awareness.

  4. Increased self-knowledge and clarity, facilitating personal growth and change.

  5. A deeper connection with your spirit, nurturing your creativity.

  6. The discovery of deeper nourishment, resources, and empowerment.

  7. A sense of overall lightness and spaciousness.

It's important to note that metaphysical work is a holistic approach and does not replace conventional intervention. If you've explored other therapeutic options and are seeking a different approach, this may be a perfect fit for you.

‘Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.’

— Rumi, 13th-century poet, scholar and Sufi mystic